Serving All of Phoenix and its Surrounding Cities

Serving All Phoenix And Surround Cities

Our Proud Partnership with Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest!

We are so excited to announce our partnership with Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest. Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a simple mission; showing kindness, doing justice and serving those in need. They have a vision for a just world where all people can fulfill their basic needs. […]

What Is a SEER Rating?

When your AC units run efficiently, they will consume less energy and make your home energy-efficient hence saving you a lot of money in the long run. One of the critical factors that will determine your air conditioner’s efficiency is its Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, which is commonly referred to as SEER. Technically, the higher […]

How Does Upgrading Your AC Unit Actually Save You Money?

Many people put off upgrading an air conditioner year after year for the fear of the upfront costs of the upgrade. You keep pouring in money after money making repairs to your existing unit when you might find that you actually save money by purchasing a new AC unit. These are just a few of […]

The Benefits of Signing an Energy Agreement 

With heating and cooling costs accounting for more than half of the average home’s energy consumption in Phoenix, having an energy-saving plan that ensures your heating and cooling systems are energy efficient is vital. Here at Plumbing & A/C Medic, we take your home’s energy efficiency very seriously, and that is why our Service Partner […]

Reasons to Get an AC Check Up

Your air conditioner can sit for months without use. In your cooling system, dust and dirt build up from the summer before, and those dust and dirt particles collect and lead to mold and mildew, which could result in a foul smell coming from your system. The mold, mildew, and bacteria often or found on […]